Monday, February 27, 2012

NSW: Investors running scared amid crumbling housing market

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Investors running scared amid crumbling housing market

SYDNEY, Dec 15 AAP - Sydney home sales are at their lowest level in 15 years and prices
have fallen significantly to match the slump.

The Sydney Morning Herald today reported the number of listed spring auctions fell
by almost 50 per cent, and spring sales were the lowest since 1988, excepting the Olympics

House prices fell by 15 per cent this year.

Real Estate Institute NSW president Rowan Kelly told the paper the change signalled
a return to a consumer-driven housing market.

Housing Industry Association figures showed that since the NSW government introduced
an investment property tax in June, there been 3000 fewer investors a month.

Investment property spending had dropped from $3 billion a month in 2003 to $2.1 billion
a month this year.

A Housing Industry Association senior economist told the newspaper the tax had affected
the industry.

"There is certainly no shortage of anecdotal evidence that the investment exit tax
had an immediate and significant negative impact on the Sydney market," the economist

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